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Olympic Sprinter Noah Lyles Incorporates Yu-Gi-Oh Cards in Race Rituals

Olympic Sprinter Noah Lyles Incorporates Yu-Gi-Oh Cards in Race Rituals

Noah Lyles, an Olympic sprinter, has been winning races while flashing Yu-Gi-Oh cards before his heats. He's currently assembling Exodia, a powerful monster card from the game, piece by piece. Lyles' antics are part of a bet with fellow athlete Chase Ealey, who must wear Rock Lee's leg weights during her finals if Lyles continues his streak.

Exodia, in Yu-Gi-Oh, is a legendary monster split into five parts: head, two arms, and two legs. Drawing all five pieces instantly wins the game. Lyles has shown the head and both arms so far, hinting at more pieces to come.

This blend of sports and geek culture is intriguing. Lyles' success and his playful integration of Yu-Gi-Oh into his routine suggest a unique mental approach to competition. It's a reminder that athletes, like characters in shonen manga, can draw strength from their passions.

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