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Simplifying Machine Learning: Azure Machine Learning Designer Tutorial

Simplifying Machine Learning: Azure Machine Learning Designer Tutorial

Creating a machine learning model without coding is possible with Azure Machine Learning Designer. This article guides you through building a regression model to predict automobile prices.


  • Azure account
  • Azure subscription


  1. Workspace: Create a workspace in Azure Portal for managing machine learning resources.
  2. Compute Resources: Set up compute instances and clusters in Azure Machine Learning Studio for model training.

Model Building:

  1. Data Preparation: Use Azure Machine Learning Designer to add and clean the automobile price dataset.
  2. Model Training: Split the data, train with Linear Regression, and evaluate using the Score and Evaluate Model modules.


  • Assess model performance using metrics like Mean Absolute Error, Root Mean Squared Error, and R-squared.


  • Deploy the model for real-time predictions.

This process simplifies machine learning model creation, making it accessible for those less versed in coding.

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