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Venus Express Mission Reveals Dramatic Changes in Venus's Atmosphere

Venus Express Mission Reveals Dramatic Changes in Venus's Atmosphere

Researchers using ESA's Venus Express discovered unexpected increases in H2O and HDO, water molecules with different isotopes, in Venus's middle atmosphere. The ratio of HDO to H2O surged significantly, suggesting a history of water loss and potential past habitability.

Venus, now harsh and dry, might once have had abundant water like Earth. The high HDO/H2O ratio, 120 times what's seen on Earth, indicates heavy water loss due to hydrogen's light weight, allowing it to escape into space.

A proposed mechanism for this involves sulfuric acid aerosols forming above the clouds, which then rise, heat up, and release more HDO than H2O, starting a cycle that enriches the atmosphere in deuterium.

These findings, crucial for understanding planetary habitability, were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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