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Hangzhou-Wenzhou High-Speed Railway Opens: Zhejiang Accelerates Regional Integration

Hangzhou-Wenzhou High-Speed Railway Opens: Zhejiang Accelerates Regional Integration

The Hangzhou-Wenzhou High-Speed Railway is set to open, connecting Hangzhou and Wenzhou with a total length of approximately 260 kilometers and designed for speeds of up to 350 kilometers per hour. This high-speed rail not only reduces travel time between Wenzhou and Hangzhou to 80-90 minutes but also marks the formation of Zhejiang's land-based "1-hour transportation circle."

Wenzhou, the birthplace of private economy, is accelerating its integration into the Yangtze River Delta, especially with closer ties to Hangzhou, thanks to the high-speed rail. This not only facilitates personnel exchanges but also brings new opportunities for Wenzhou's economic development, potentially making it the 27th trillion-yuan city in the country.

Yiwu, known as the "capital of small commodities," will see an explosive increase in passenger traffic due to the completion of the Hangzhou-Wenzhou High-Speed Railway and the Ningbo-Jinhua Railway. The upgrade and renovation of Yiwu Station will make it the largest high-speed rail station building among county-level cities in the country, further strengthening its pivotal role in regional transportation.

Zhejiang is enhancing urban connectivity and promoting regional economic integration through the improvement of its high-speed rail network. This upgrade of transportation infrastructure is a critical step in the modernization process, showcasing the government's determination and foresight in driving economic development and regional integration.

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