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Free Trial of Award-Winning Game 'Blade Arena' Now Available on Steam
- summary
- score
Minix Studio's "Blade Arena" is now available for free play on Steam. This BOOOM award-winning game is set in the legendary Blade Arena, where players control a gun to combat various melee weapons. The controls are simple but require precise prediction and chain reactions. After each level, random upgrades are available, offering diverse combinations and strong strategic elements.
BOOOM: Refers to a game that excels in innovation and creativity, winning a major award.
Roguelike Turn-Based Strategy Game: A genre that combines randomly generated elements (roguelike) with turn-based strategy.
Scores | Value | Explanation |
Objectivity | 5 | Balanced reporting with factual support. |
Social Impact | 3 | Sparks some social discussion or attention. |
Credibility | 4 | High credibility with sufficient evidence. |
Potential | 4 | High potential to trigger larger events. |
Practicality | 4 | Highly practical and applicable. |
Entertainment Value | 5 | Very entertaining, attracts wide audience. |