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U.K.'s Return of Chagos Islands to Mauritius: A Colonial Legacy

U.K.'s Return of Chagos Islands to Mauritius: A Colonial Legacy

The U.K.'s plan to cede the Chagos Islands to Mauritius highlights unresolved colonial issues. Despite UN efforts for decolonization, many non-self-governing territories (NSGTs) still face governance structures reminiscent of their colonial past. Military bases in these territories, like Diego Garcia and Guam, create a tension between strategic interests and local autonomy.

The Chagos Islands exemplify this conflict: Chagossians were displaced for a U.S. military base, and while the islands are set to return to Mauritius, Diego Garcia remains under British control. This raises questions about true self-determination and the lingering effects of colonialism.

Military presence in NSGTs often favors the administering states, compromising local sovereignty. Guantanamo Bay and Djibouti illustrate this dynamic, where economic and geopolitical benefits come at the cost of political independence.

The article underscores the need for genuine dialogue on self-determination, addressing both historical injustices and current power imbalances.

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