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Mars to Acquire Kellanova in $36 Billion Snack Industry Deal

Mars acquires Kellanova for $35.9 billion. The transaction combines major snack brands such as Pringles and Cheez-Its with Mars' candy empire. Kellanova, which was spun off from Kellogg in 2023, recorded $13 billion in sales last year.

The merger comes at a strategic time due to high inflation and consumer cost-cutting measures. Mars intends to absorb rising costs without significantly increasing prices for consumers. CEO Poul Weihrauch identifies growth opportunities in China and Africa.

Kellanova's healthier snack lines, including RXBar and Nutri-Grain, align well with Mars' product offerings. The deal, anticipated to finalize in 2025, responds to demands from activist investor Toms Capital.

This strategic move positions Mars as a leading global snacking powerhouse, capitalizing on well-known brands and venturing into healthier snack options.

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