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Two Major Aging Bursts Identified at Ages 44 and 60

Scientists tracked 108 volunteers, aged 25 to 75, monitoring 135,000 molecules and microbes in their bodies. They identified two major aging bursts: one around 44, another at 60.

The first burst affects molecules linked to heart disease and the metabolism of caffeine, alcohol, and fats. The second impacts immune function, carbohydrate metabolism, and kidney health. Skin and muscle aging molecules shift at both stages.

Initially, researchers thought the 44-year burst was skewed by perimenopause in women. However, similar changes were noted in men, suggesting broader factors.

The study, published in Nature Aging, aligns with prior evidence showing a sharp rise in Alzheimer's and heart disease risks post-60. Some changes might reflect lifestyle shifts, like increased alcohol consumption during mid-life stress.

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