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索尼PlayStation VR2 PC适配器将于8月上市
- summary
- score

PlayStation VR2的PC适配器现已正式发布,将于8月7日以59.99美元的价格上市。该适配器连接了索尼专为PS5设计的VR头显与PC游戏,使得兼容Steam VR游戏如《半衰期:爱莉克斯》成为可能。
使用该适配器还需配备DisplayPort线缆。虽然适配器支持高分辨率4K视觉效果(每眼2000 x 2040像素)和沉浸式功能如3D音频,但某些PS5特有的功能——如HDR、头部反馈、眼动追踪和自适应触发器——在PC上将无法使用。
索尼最初在二月份暗示了PSVR 2对PC的支持,此举扩展了头显在PlayStation独占游戏之外的用途。
Scores | Value | Explanation |
Objectivity | 5 | Content provides balanced information about the adapter's features and limitations. |
Social Impact | 3 | Content may spark some discussion among tech and gaming communities. |
Credibility | 5 | Information is based on official product release details. |
Potential | 4 | Potential to enhance PC VR gaming experience, depending on user adoption. |
Practicality | 4 | Practical for users seeking to expand VR gaming beyond PS5. |
Entertainment Value | 5 | High entertainment value for VR gaming enthusiasts. |