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SpaceX推出Starlink Mini,一款紧凑型卫星互联网天线,售价599美元。专为移动性设计,可放入背包,提供高速、低延迟的移动网络服务。这款便携套装比标准型号更小更轻,内置WiFi路由器,能耗更低。
服务费在每月120美元的住宅费用基础上再加30美元,数据上限为50GB。超出部分按每GB 1美元计费。Starlink Mini旨在全球范围内提高连接的可及性,计划进行国际扩张。
Scores | Value | Explanation |
Objectivity | 5 | Content provides balanced information on the product's features and pricing. |
Social Impact | 4 | Sparked discussion on improved internet accessibility and mobility. |
Credibility | 5 | Information is credible, sourced from SpaceX's official unveiling. |
Potential | 5 | High potential to expand internet access globally, impacting various sectors. |
Practicality | 5 | Highly practical for users needing portable, high-speed internet. |
Entertainment Value | 3 | Some entertainment value as it relates to tech innovation and user convenience. |