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使用新款iPad配合原装Apple Pencil的实用指南
- summary
- score

尽管年代久远,原版Apple Pencil仍可通过特定设置与新款iPad兼容:需要一个Lightning母对母适配器、一根Lightning转USB-C线缆,以及LightBlue应用,该应用有助于蓝牙连接。
将原版Apple Pencil与新iPad配对的方法如下:
- 从旧iPad上断开连接。
- 使用LightBlue建立新连接,输入配对码1234。
Scores | Value | Explanation |
Objectivity | 5 | Content provides a balanced and factual guide on using the original Apple Pencil with newer iPads. |
Social Impact | 2 | Content may spark limited discussion among tech enthusiasts but has minimal broader social impact. |
Credibility | 5 | Content is credible, providing practical steps based on available technology and tools. |
Potential | 3 | Content has potential to help users but unlikely to trigger significant events. |
Practicality | 4 | Content offers practical solutions that can be directly applied by users. |
Entertainment Value | 3 | Content is informative but lacks high entertainment value. |