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A 20-Year Overview of Breakthrough Technologies in Life Sciences: From Evolution to Disruption, Deciphering the Code of Life

A 20-Year Overview of Breakthrough Technologies in Life Sciences: From Evolution to Disruption, Deciphering the Code of Life

The exploration of life by humans began with the needs of survival and curiosity. From Aristotle's classification of animals and plants to Darwin's theory of biological evolution, and then to Mendel's laws of genetics, this journey has continually deepened. In 1953, Watson and Crick's discovery of the double helix structure of DNA ushered in an explosive era of molecular biology.

The development of life sciences not only satisfies curiosity but also deeply influences everyday life, affecting aspects such as diet and health. The pandemic has accelerated the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, highlighting the importance of life sciences.

In the 21st century, life sciences have become the leading force in global breakthrough technologies, particularly in areas such as genomics, mRNA vaccines, and oral medications for COVID-19, where significant progress has been made. Policy support and technological innovation have driven the rapid development of life sciences.

Cell and gene therapies (CGT), as new methods for combating cancer, have shown tremendous therapeutic potential through gene editing and immune cell therapies. The global market's continued investment in CGT indicates a broad application prospect.

Overall, life sciences are not only at the forefront of scientific exploration but also a key to improving the quality of human life. With advancements in technology and policy support, life sciences will continue to play a significant role in multiple fields in the future.

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