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Biden administration announces $4.3 billion in funding for local climate projects.

Biden administration announces $4.3 billion in funding for local climate projects.

The Biden administration has announced that it will provide $4.3 billion to local governments for climate projects. These funds will support 25 projects across 30 states, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting the transition to clean energy. Projects include the construction of solar and wind farms, as well as the deployment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. By 2050, these projects are expected to reduce approximately 971 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions, equivalent to eliminating the pollution of 5 million American households annually.

Pennsylvania has received $396 million to launch the RISE PA initiative, which aims to reduce carbon emissions from industrial facilities, create jobs, and invest in the energy sector. This funding comes from the Inflation Reduction Act, the largest investment in climate and clean energy in the United States. Additionally, the Biden administration's Justice40 Initiative ensures that at least 40% of the investments go to disadvantaged communities.

Despite the United States remaining the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas, the Biden administration has pledged to reduce carbon emissions by at least 50% by 2030, in line with the Paris Agreement. Former President Trump had stated that if re-elected, he would attempt to withdraw the United States from the agreement.

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