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Google's Jigsaw Releases Open-Source Tool to Combat Online Extremism

Jigsaw, Google's think tank, has released Altitude, a tool designed to help smaller tech firms combat extremist content online. This initiative comes as major tech companies like Meta and Google face escalating legal pressure to swiftly remove harmful content.

Altitude interfaces with databases of flagged extremist content, enabling moderators to efficiently review and remove such content. It is a collaborative effort with Tech Against Terrorism and the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism.

The tool is now open-source, available on GitHub, and can be self-hosted, allowing any company to utilize it by integrating it into their platforms for content moderation.

Jigsaw's research revealed that even established platforms struggle to identify harmful content due to resource constraints. Altitude aims to fill this gap, providing a foundation for under-resourced environments.

Future developments include expanding Altitude's language support and incorporating more specialized databases.

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