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Scientists Discover Gas Permeability in Graphene, Revolutionizing Separation Technologies

Scientists Discover Gas Permeability in Graphene, Revolutionizing Separation Technologies

Scientists have long believed that graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms, is impermeable to gases and liquids. This belief has been challenged by recent research led by Dr. Sun Pengzhan of the University of Macau.

Dr. Sun's work focuses on creating precise, atomic-scale pores in graphene, transforming it into a highly selective filter. His team has achieved a measurement precision 8 to 9 orders of magnitude higher than previous methods, detecting even the weakest gas transmissions.

A significant discovery was hydrogen molecules passing through graphene, contrary to expectations where smaller helium atoms did not. This anomaly was explained by hydrogen molecules breaking down on graphene's surface, then reassembling on the other side.

This research not only challenges the conventional understanding of graphene's properties but also opens new avenues for its application in energy and chemical industries, particularly in efficient gas separation technologies.

Dr. Sun's approach, emphasizing fundamental research to drive practical innovations, underscores the importance of deep scientific inquiry in advancing technology. His work promises to revolutionize how we manage and utilize resources in various industrial sectors.

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