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Taobao Launches Global Free Shipping Plan to Support Clothing Merchants' Overseas Expansion

Taobao Launches Global Free Shipping Plan to Support Clothing Merchants' Overseas Expansion

Taobao has launched the "Global Free Shipping Plan for Fashion" initiative, allowing merchants to expand into overseas markets by simply signing up.

The plan covers multiple regions in Asia and will extend to Australia by the end of the year, gradually achieving global free shipping. Merchants do not need to open additional stores or make special settings; pricing remains consistent both domestically and internationally, with no impact on their autonomy in pricing and inventory control.

Veteran cross-border e-commerce experts note that Taobao's move lowers the barriers to going global, relieving merchants of concerns about high return rates and expensive shipping insurance, and effectively sharing domestic operational costs.

The global apparel market has reached a size of $673 billion, with e-commerce penetration significantly boosted by the普及 of smartphones and the pandemic. Taobao's initiative aligns with this trend, providing merchants with new opportunities for growth.

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