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UNAIDS calls for increased resources to end the AIDS pandemic.

UNAIDS calls for increased resources to end the AIDS pandemic.

The latest report from UNAIDS states that if leaders of all countries immediately increase resources and protect human rights, the AIDS pandemic could be ended by 2030. Currently, the number of new HIV infections worldwide each year is 1.3 million, far exceeding the 2025 target of 370,000. The report emphasizes that ensuring adequate resources and human rights protection is key.

Globally, the rate of new HIV infections has decreased by 39% since 2010, with a 59% decrease in Eastern and Southern Africa. However, infection rates continue to rise in the Middle East and North Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and Latin America. Gender inequality and discrimination exacerbate the epidemic, particularly affecting women and marginalized groups.

China has made significant progress in HIV prevention and control, with relatively low infection and mortality rates globally. However, awareness of screening and testing needs to be improved, especially in information-closed areas. The elderly population in China has insufficient awareness of HIV, leading to delays in detection and treatment.

Overall, the end of AIDS requires decisive actions and resource investment from global leaders, as well as steadfast protection of human rights.

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