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Yan Lianke on the Authenticity of Literature and Creative Faith

Yan Lianke on the Authenticity of Literature and Creative Faith

Yan Lianke, a literary giant from China, explores the authenticity of literature in his work "The Faith of Fiction." He believes that authenticity is the core belief of fiction, transcending language and structure, and is a natural pursuit for writers. Yan Lianke dislikes discussing his personal writing experiences and prefers to gain insights from reading and incorporate them into his creations.

He emphasizes that literary theory and creation largely operate independently, but he wrote "The Faith of Fiction" primarily for self-inspiration and clarification. Yan Lianke's works are deeply influenced by his childhood experiences, particularly his fears of hunger, revolution, and death, which form the foundation of his writings.

Regarding contemporary Chinese literature, Yan Lianke believes that it has not yet produced classics that transcend individual life experiences. Alongside writers like Can Xue, who are both considered strong contenders for the Nobel Prize, they maintain a distance from the Chinese literary scene, embracing or distancing themselves from reality in different ways.

Yan Lianke proposes that dreams, as a creative technique, should not be used as a tool to escape reality but rather as a means to understand it. His works, such as "The Chronicles of Liaozhai," offer a modern interpretation of classical literature, exploring the spiritual aspects of non-experiential authenticity.

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