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Bird DNA Reveals Clues to Dinosaur Extinction

Bird DNA Reveals Clues to Dinosaur Extinction

66 million years ago, a rock struck Earth with great force. Dinosaurs, with the exception of birds, disappeared. Birds flourished, now boasting over 10,000 species.

Scientists discovered DNA changes in birds linked to that impact. Alterations in DNA base ratios modified bird characteristics. Birds became smaller and required more care as chicks.

Jake Berv, a bird expert at Michigan University, utilized new software to analyze these DNA shifts. He concentrated on the 500,000 years following the impact. He identified significant changes in bird size and development.

This study, unique in linking DNA shifts to a mass extinction, demonstrates the profound impacts of such events. Daniel Field, a Cambridge paleontologist, highlights the significant genetic changes caused by major extinctions.

The research, published in Science Advances, emphasizes how past catastrophes shape the blueprint of life.

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