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Lìqiū Milk Tea Craze: The New Social Favorite Among Young People

Lìqiū Milk Tea Craze: The New Social Favorite Among Young People

The Beginning of Autumn sees a surge in bubble tea orders, becoming a new social tool for young people. The Bubble Tea Festival has been booming for four consecutive years, with its social attributes becoming more prominent. Young people express care and measure friendship through bubble tea. In the era of Bubble Tea 2.0, there is a rising demand for healthiness and personalization.

Bubble tea shops and delivery riders are busy during the Beginning of Autumn, with orders resembling those of Singles' Day. Young people exchange bubble tea to express care, establishing a new social norm. Choices of bubble tea have become more detailed, such as "osmanthus oolong tea base, large cup, no ice, half sugar," reflecting personalized needs. Bubble tea is not just a drink but also an emotional connection.

Bubble tea has become a popular social activity, applicable in workplace gatherings and expressions of goodwill. Food delivery platforms facilitate the easy delivery of bubble tea. The Beginning of Autumn sees a bubble tea frenzy, with busy offline stores and bubble tea becoming a common sight in delivery riders' bags.

Brands like "Uncle Peach" have evolved from street stalls to physical stores, focusing on health and brand packaging. Their fruit tea menus change with the seasons, emphasizing freshness and health. In the era of Bubble Tea 2.0, light milk tea is popular, with health concepts deeply ingrained in people's minds.

In lower-tier markets, the freedom to enjoy bubble tea has been realized, with food delivery platform activities like "Group Good Meal" and "Divine Sniper" being well-received. On the day of the Beginning of Autumn, nationwide food delivery beverage sales exceeded 53 million cups. Bubble tea has transitioned from a luxury to an everyday item, with young people achieving personalized customization through high cost-effectiveness.

Bubble tea is not just a drink but also a social currency, connecting the emotions and lives of young people.

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