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Mpox Outbreak in Africa Declared Public Health Emergency by WHO

Mpox Outbreak in Africa Declared Public Health Emergency by WHO

Mpox outbreak in Africa declared a public health emergency by WHO. Resembles early HIV days, spreading via sexual networks, especially among vulnerable groups. 38,465 cases, 1,456 deaths since January 2022. New variant, clade Ib, particularly dangerous in Democratic Republic of Congo.

WHO released $1.5m, seeks $15m total. Emphasizes need for testing, vaccines, and reducing stigma. Concerns about hidden mild infections, potential for global spread. Africa CDC calls for aggressive action.

Key issues: limited resources, vaccine access, and stigma. Rich countries pre-order most vaccines, leaving affected areas underserved. Africa CDC estimates $4bn needed for effective response.

Insights: The mpox outbreak mirrors historical health crises, highlighting disparities in global health resources and responses. Urgent, equitable action is essential to prevent further spread and mitigate long-term impacts.

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