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Premier League to Replace VAR with iPhone-Based 'Dragon' System

The English Premier League plans to replace its flawed VAR system for offside calls with a new technology named "Dragon," set to debut in the 2024-2025 season. This system utilizes iPhones—at least 28 of them—mounted around the pitch.

Each waterproof enclosure contains up to four iPhones, equipped with fans and power sources, capturing high-frame-rate video that feeds into a software tool. The result is a system that tracks between 7,000 and 10,000 points on each player, significantly more than previous technologies.

The software of the "Dragon" system is based on machine learning, trained on soccer footage to identify offside situations. While AI highlights potential issues, a human referee makes the final decision.

The Premier League asserts that "Dragon" has been tested and validated by FIFA. However, fans are likely to remain skeptical until they see its performance firsthand.

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