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Tiny Wasps Used for Eco-Friendly Moth Control

Tiny Wasps Used for Eco-Friendly Moth Control

Rentokil's innovative pest control employs tiny wasps, measuring less than 0.5mm, to combat moth infestations. These wasps deposit their eggs within moth eggs, preventing larvae from emerging. This technique eschews toxic sprays and safeguards delicate textiles in museums and residences.

The wasps are introduced through sachets placed in areas prone to moths, providing a consistent release over several weeks. They actively seek out new moth eggs until the infestation is eradicated.

Known as "entosite," this method is both non-toxic and effective, particularly for valuable textiles. It is part of a larger movement towards "biological control"—utilizing natural predators to manage pest populations.

Scientists such as Prof. Charles Godfray at Oxford endorse this approach, citing its proven effectiveness in controlling pests like mealybugs in Africa and whiteflies in UK greenhouses. This strategy not only protects crops but also presents a safer alternative to chemical pesticides.

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