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- summary
- score
Awesome Flux 精选了 Black Forest Labs 开发的开放源代 码图像生成模型 FLUX 的相关资源。它列出了官方资料、模型类型、社区项目和演示。一个脚本从 Markdown 列表生成网站。FLUX 生态系统的增长突显了其人工智能潜力。
FLUX:一种创建图像的人工智能模型。 Markdown:一种简单的文本格式语言。 Hugging Face:一个用于人工智能模型和演示的平台。
Scores | Value | Explanation |
Practicality | 6 | Directly applicable, widely adopted, and industry-standard resources. |
Social Impact | 4 | Strong social discussion, influencing some public opinion. |
Rationality | 5 | Extremely tight logic, impeccable argumentation, strong persuasiveness. |
Entertainment Value | 3 | Some entertainment value, can attract a portion of the audience. |
Depth Of Thought | 4 | Strong in thought, capable of sparking deep thinking and discussion. |