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Team Liquid赢得Dota 2国际锦标赛,推出新英雄Kai
- summary
- score

Team Liquid 赢得了 2024 年 Dota 2 国际锦标赛冠军,在决赛中以 3-0 横扫 Gaimin Gladiators。这是他们第二次夺冠,并且是在全新阵容下取得的,这使他们成为首个做到这一点的队伍。他们的选手 33 也成为首位与两支不同队伍夺冠的选手。
Valve 迅速宣布了下一个新英雄 Kai,紧随最近加入的小丑之后。
- Dota 2 国际锦标赛: Dota 2 游戏的年度顶级赛事。
- Team Liquid: 一支职业电竞战队。
- Valve: Dota 2 的开发者。
Scores | Value | Explanation |
Objectivity | 5 | Balanced reporting with factual support. |
Social Impact | 4 | Strong social discussion within gaming community. |
Credibility | 5 | Solid evidence from authoritative sources. |
Potential | 4 | High potential to influence future tournaments. |
Practicality | 3 | Some practicality, mainly for gaming community. |
Entertainment Value | 5 | Very entertaining for gaming audience. |