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AI Revolutionizes the Restaurant Industry: Robots and Automation Take Center Stage

AI Revolutionizes the Restaurant Industry: Robots and Automation Take Center Stage

AI is revolutionizing the restaurant industry. Robots now cook, brew, and serve, replacing chefs and baristas. Beijing issued its first "embodied AI robot food license" in September, allowing robots to handle diverse tasks from cooking to safety checks.

These robots, like those from Enjoy Cooking Intelligence, can adapt to various cuisines and learn new recipes. They promise efficiency and cost savings, with one maintenance worker overseeing multiple units.

AI isn't just about cooking. It's also in marketing, with AI-generated food images and ads becoming common. For instance, McDonald's Japan used AI to create a viral ad featuring animated girls interacting with fries.

AI models like "食神" (Shíshén) offer personalized cooking advice, making gourmet cooking accessible. These models, akin to having a personal chef, adjust to user preferences and kitchen conditions.

Regulatory bodies are also using AI, such as China Mobile's "千里眼" (Qiānlǐyǎn), to monitor kitchen hygiene and safety. This ensures compliance and enhances food safety.

The integration of AI in restaurants is inevitable. Those who embrace it will thrive, while traditional methods may fade. The future is here, and it's automated, efficient, and smart.

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