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China's automobile market is experiencing robust growth, with new energy vehicle sales expected to exceed 10 million units.

The automotive market has seen a significant surge in demand driven by the "trade-in for new" policy. From January to August 2024, the wholesale sales of passenger vehicles reached 16.151 million units, a year-on-year increase of 3.3%. The sales of new energy vehicles were particularly strong, with wholesale sales in July reaching 953,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 27.7%, and a penetration rate of 47.8%. It is expected that the annual sales of new energy vehicles will exceed 10 million units, a significant increase from less than 100,000 units in 2014.

In the domestic market, Chinese car brands have surpassed 60% market share in the new energy era, far exceeding the 40% in the traditional gasoline car era. In terms of policy, the scrappage and replacement subsidy reaches up to 20,000 yuan, effectively stimulating the demand for replacing old vehicles. Local governments have also introduced replacement subsidies to further boost consumption.

In terms of exports, China's passenger vehicle exports reached 4.08 million units in 2023, surpassing Japan to become the world's largest exporter. From January to August 2024, exports reached 3.175 million units, a year-on-year increase of 29.4%, with nearly a quarter being new energy vehicles. Major carmakers are accelerating their overseas expansion, increasing production capacity, and introducing new products.

In the next decade, China's automotive industry is expected to rise globally, with domestic market share potentially reaching 80% and global market share challenging 30%. Intelligence and globalization are the two main drivers. The passenger vehicle sector is showing stable and positive performance, with leading companies like BYD and Great Wall Motors standing out.

Brief Analysis: The Chinese automotive market is showing strong growth momentum driven by policy and new energy. Domestic brands have significantly enhanced their competitiveness, exports are continuously growing, and the future development prospects are broad.

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