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Sandvine Exits 56 'Non-Democratic' Countries Amid Surveillance Tech Controversy

Sandvine, a Canadian surveillance technology firm, has announced it will withdraw from 56 "non-democratic" countries. The company, known for selling tools that enable internet censorship and spying, now aims to concentrate on democratic markets. This shift follows investigations revealing Sandvine's sales to authoritarian regimes such as Belarus, Egypt, and the UAE.

The decision was based on The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index and was made in consultation with the U.S. Department of Commerce and State. Sandvine has already exited 32 countries and plans to leave the remaining 24 by the end of 2025.

Pressure from the U.S. government played a significant role. Earlier this year, the Department of Commerce added Sandvine to its Entity List, accusing the company of aiding Egyptian government surveillance and censorship. Citizen Lab, a digital rights group, has also documented Sandvine's technology being used in Turkey and Syria for surveillance.

Experts believe this case demonstrates the effectiveness of U.S. sanctions in curbing the proliferation of surveillance technology. The U.S. has similarly targeted other firms, like NSO Group and Intellexa, with sanctions and blocklisting.

Explanation of Terms:

  • Entity List: A list maintained by the U.S. Department of Commerce that restricts exports to entities deemed a risk to national security.
  • Citizen Lab: A research group focused on digital rights and cybersecurity, based at the University of Toronto.

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