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UN Chief Aims to Rally World Leaders for Global Governance Reform

UN Chief Aims to Rally World Leaders for Global Governance Reform

António Guterres, UN secretary-general, aims to rally world leaders at the UN Summit of the Future to adopt a "pact for the future." This pact seeks to reform global governance, addressing issues like AI, climate change, and security council reform. Critics argue the agenda lacks specificity and may become another UN document gathering dust.

Guterres highlights the UN's inability to keep pace with modern challenges, from geopolitical divisions to runaway climate change and AI development. He insists the pact offers concrete steps, including security council reform and governance measures for new technologies.

David Miliband, International Rescue Committee CEO, sees practical proposals in the pact, focusing on strength and commitment rather than novelty. However, negotiations face familiar hurdles: Cold War standoffs, funding shortages, and Western reluctance to cede power.

Russia opposes specific nuclear disarmament references, and some argue the UN is not the right forum for certain issues. Richard Gowan, UN specialist, notes Western reluctance to address financial imbalances.

On security council reform, the US proposes new permanent seats for African countries without veto power, but India and Brazil also press their claims. Ingenious solutions to reduce veto power exist but face objections from major powers.

Guterres' vision is ambitious, but the path to consensus remains fraught with challenges.

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