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23岁的凯·麦肯齐(Kai McKenzie)在波特麦克唐纳附近的北岸海滩(North Shore beach)击退了一只三米长的白鲨。他的腿被咬断,但被冲上岸,当地人在冰上保存了这条腿。一名下班的警察用他的狗的牵引带做了一个临时的止血带,救了麦肯齐的命。麦肯齐是一名赞助的冲浪者,目前在约翰亨特医院(John Hunter hospital)情况严重但稳定地康复中。
去年,另一名冲浪者托比·贝格(Toby Begg)在灯塔海滩(Lighthouse Beach)幸免于鲨鱼袭击,这要归功于一名下班的医生。
Scores | Value | Explanation |
Objectivity | 6 | Comprehensive reporting with in-depth analysis. |
Social Impact | 4 | Strong social discussion, influencing some public opinion. |
Credibility | 5 | Solid evidence from authoritative sources. |
Potential | 3 | Some potential, but requires a series of unlikely conditions. |
Practicality | 4 | Highly practical, directly applicable to real problems. |
Entertainment Value | 4 | Highly entertaining, arousing audience interest. |