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Surfer Survives Shark Attack, Leg Recovered

Surfer Survives Shark Attack, Leg Recovered

Kai McKenzie, 23, managed to fend off a three-meter great white shark at North Shore beach, close to Port Macquarie. His leg was amputated but later found on the shore, where locals kept it preserved with ice. An off-duty police officer played a crucial role in saving McKenzie's life by using a makeshift tourniquet made from his dog's leash. McKenzie, who is a sponsored surfer, is currently recuperating in a serious but stable condition at John Hunter hospital.

A GoFundMe campaign has successfully raised over $40,000 to support his recovery efforts. North Shore beach, which can only be reached via a dirt road, has had recent reports of shark sightings. A tagged great white shark was also detected near Sawtell, close to Coffs Harbour. BiteMetrix has reported an increase in shark activity in the area.

In a similar incident last year, another surfer, Toby Begg, survived a shark attack at Lighthouse Beach, thanks to the quick actions of an off-duty doctor.

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