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Saudi Arabia Faces Forced Labor Allegations Ahead of 2034 World Cup Bid

Saudi Arabia Faces Forced Labor Allegations Ahead of 2034 World Cup Bid

Saudi Arabia, the likely host of the 2034 World Cup, is facing allegations of forced labor among its migrant workforce. A complaint filed with the UN's International Labour Organization (ILO) alleges widespread labor rights violations, including unpaid wages, passport confiscation, and debt bondage. The Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI), a trade union representing about 12 million workers, describes these practices as "an epidemic of abuses," indicative of forced labor, a modern form of slavery.

The BWI is urging the ILO to investigate these claims, supported by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and FairSquare. This complaint comes just months before FIFA's decision on the World Cup host. FIFA's bidding rules mandate that host countries must respect internationally recognized human rights, which could complicate Saudi Arabia's bid.

Similar to Qatar, Saudi Arabia heavily relies on migrant workers, predominantly from South Asia and Africa. The workforce could significantly expand due to World Cup-related construction projects. Despite recent labor reforms, a BWI survey of 193 migrant workers indicates ongoing abuses, such as denial of access to personal documents and restrictions on job mobility.

This complaint could pose a significant challenge to FIFA's decision, necessitating a critical examination of labor practices in potential host countries. FIFA's response will test its commitment to human rights and labor standards, potentially influencing labor reforms in Saudi Arabia and beyond.

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