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Guangzhou Pioneers Urban Air Mobility with World's First eVTOL 'Air Taxi'

In Guangzhou, the future of urban transport takes flight. The city has welcomed the world's first "air taxi" sold online for 1.99 million yuan. This electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, capable of speeds up to 130 kilometers per hour, represents a significant milestone in commercializing aerial travel.

Guangzhou is set to lead in this sector, aiming to build a 150 billion yuan industry by 2027. The city plans to develop a network of low-altitude flight routes and construct specialized airports for these vehicles. This initiative is part of a broader trend, as other cities also compete for a share in the growing low-altitude economy.

Initially, the "air taxi" will cater to tourism and undergo internal testing. Plans are in motion for regular commercial operations at the Tiande Square, with ambitions to expand operations across multiple cities.

This development highlights a shift towards more dynamic and efficient urban mobility. By adopting eVTOL technology, cities like Guangzhou are not only modernizing transportation but also reshaping urban landscapes and experiences.

The race is on to tap into the potential of low-altitude airspace, a frontier that promises to revolutionize our navigation and interaction within cities.

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