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Study Finds Internet Access Linked to Higher Well-being

Study Finds Internet Access Linked to Higher Well-beingStudy Finds Internet Access Linked to Higher Well-being

The internet, often criticized for its negative effects on mental health, may not be the villain it's portrayed to be. A comprehensive study from Oxford University, covering 16 years and 2.4 million individuals across 168 countries, indicates that internet access is associated with higher levels of well-being. The researchers discovered that individuals with internet access typically reported higher life satisfaction, more positive experiences, and greater social contentment.

However, the study did highlight a negative effect on community well-being among young women aged 15 to 24. This could stem from pre-existing dissatisfaction that leads to increased online activity, rather than the internet being the cause of the discontent.

Critics contend that the intensity of internet use, rather than just access, can be problematic. Overuse of social media platforms, which are designed with advertisers in mind rather than user well-being, can lead to issues. An example is a remote Amazon village that was connected to the internet, where initial excitement transitioned into concerns about excessive screen time and its impact on daily life.

In summary, the internet, like any tool, can be either beneficial or harmful depending on its use. It's not the access that causes harm, but the misuse. The solution lies in moderation and mindful engagement.

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