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Chiquita Ordered to Pay $38m for Role in Colombian Death Squad Killings

Chiquita Ordered to Pay $38m for Role in Colombian Death Squad Killings

Chiquita Brands International, an American banana giant, has been ordered by a Florida court to pay $38 million to the families of eight Colombian men killed by a paramilitary death squad. The company had financed the United Self-Defence Forces of Colombia (AUC) from 1997 to 2004, a group notorious for human rights violations and drug trafficking.

This landmark ruling, after 17 years of legal battles, marks the first time Chiquita compensates Colombian victims and sets a precedent for corporate liability in international human rights abuses. Chiquita's defense that payments were extorted to protect employees from armed Marxists was undermined by evidence showing continued support to the AUC even after its terrorist designation in 2001.

The verdict not only provides some justice to the families of trade unionists, banana workers, and activists targeted by the AUC but also sends a stark warning to multinational corporations: profiting from human rights abuses carries severe consequences.

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