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Shift Away from Petrodollar: Implications and Developments

Shift Away from Petrodollar: Implications and Developments

Saudi Arabia and other oil producers are transitioning away from the US dollar in energy trade, potentially destabilizing the "petrodollar" system. The Saudi Central Bank has joined the BIS's central bank digital currency (CBDC) project, mBridge, which facilitates instant cross-border payments. This move, coupled with the rumored expiration of the US-Saudi petrodollar agreement, indicates a strategic flexibility for Saudi Arabia, enabling it to accept currencies like the petroyuan without antagonizing the US.

The petrodollar, historically tied to the dollar since 1973, is facing substantial challenges as countries like Russia, Iran, and China increasingly adopt local currencies for oil transactions. Estimates suggest that up to 52% of global oil trade could soon be conducted in currencies other than the dollar, a shift that could halve the dollar's value and threaten the US financial system.

Saudi Arabia's involvement in the mBridge platform, which employs distributed ledger technology for instant cross-border payments, further bolsters this de-dollarization trend. As the US national debt expands and interest payments increase, global confidence in the dollar wanes, hastening the departure from the petrodollar. This shift not only mirrors economic realities but also strategic geopolitical maneuvers, reshaping global financial dynamics.

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