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NEC's Facial Recognition Enhances Security and Efficiency at 2025 Osaka Expo

NEC's Facial Recognition Enhances Security and Efficiency at 2025 Osaka Expo

NEC's facial recognition technology, celebrated for its accuracy, will streamline entry and payments at the 2025 Osaka Expo. This system, currently operational at approximately 80 airports, facilitates seamless access and transactions by scanning the faces of pre-registered all-access pass holders.

The technology's precision stems from its detailed facial point analysis, boasting a 99.9% authentication rate, even when individuals wear masks. NEC's system has performed exceptionally in U.S. government tests, particularly in an aging accuracy assessment.

With the global facial recognition market experiencing rapid growth, NEC plans to extend its application beyond expos to office settings. However, the technology is under scrutiny for privacy concerns and potential racial bias. NEC, in collaboration with Osaka University, has established guidelines and a risk assessment framework to tackle these ethical issues, emphasizing data minimization and the necessity of use.

This integration of advanced technology with rigorous ethical guidelines represents a significant milestone in the evolution of public event management and security.

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