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AI Empowerment: A Non-Programmer's Journey in Developing an H5 Game with ChatGPT

In this article, a non-programmer product manager leverages AI, specifically ChatGPT, to develop an H5 game titled "Dragon Boat Zongzi Catching Contest" within a day. The process, divided into five stages—demand, design, development, testing, and deployment—demonstrates how AI can function as a versatile collaborator, handling coding, design, and strategic guidance.

Initially, the product manager engages with GPT to refine the game concept and generate initial code. Despite technical challenges, GPT proves adept at iterative improvements, suggesting enhancements and swiftly adjusting code based on feedback. The design phase involves using AI tools like DALL.E for UI elements and Suno AI for music, showcasing AI's capabilities beyond coding.

Testing reveals a significant bug, resolved through innovative problem-solving rather than conventional debugging. Deployment, initially attempted on Github, shifts to Tencent Cloud due to accessibility issues.

This project underscores AI's potential to empower non-technical individuals in product development, emphasizing iterative refinement and agile problem-solving. It challenges traditional roles in tech development, suggesting a future where AI augments human creativity and execution.

Key tools utilized include ChatGPT for coding and design, Suno AI for music, and Tencent Cloud for deployment. This experiment not only validates the feasibility of AI-assisted product development but also highlights the evolving landscape of tech creation, where AI is a pivotal partner.

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