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The traditional Chinese herbal drink '乌梅汤' is gaining popularity among young Chinese.

The traditional Chinese herbal drink '乌梅汤' is gaining popularity among young Chinese.

Summary: This summer, a traditional Chinese herbal drink known as "乌梅汤" (Wu Mei Tang), made from ingredients such as plum, lotus leaf, and hawthorn, unexpectedly gained immense popularity among young consumers. Priced at just 1.91 yuan per packet, it sold over 115 million packets within 24 hours at the Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, leading to a temporary crash of their online ordering system. The drink's appeal stems from its affordability, deep historical roots in Chinese medicine, and claimed health benefits including aiding digestion and promoting weight loss. This trend highlights a broader movement among young Chinese towards embracing traditional health practices, influenced by increasing awareness of wellness and a renewed interest in traditional Chinese culture.

Insights: This phenomenon highlights a significant cultural and economic shift. Young Chinese, frequently referred to as "脆皮" (fragile), are adopting traditional remedies as part of a "new Chinese" health regimen. This not only revitalizes traditional medicine but also creates lucrative markets for related products and services. The integration of ancient practices with modern lifestyles indicates a sustainable trend where tradition and innovation harmoniously coexist, providing both cultural enrichment and economic opportunities.

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