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Nuclear-armed Nations Increase Spending, Deepening Reliance on Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear-armed nations, led by the U.S., are escalating their reliance on nuclear weapons, spending a staggering $91.4 billion in 2023. This marks a $10.7 billion increase from 2022, with the U.S. accounting for 80% of this surge. The total U.S. expenditure, $51.5 billion, exceeds the combined spending of all other nuclear states.

China follows at $11.8 billion, with Russia at $8.3 billion. Despite the colossal investment, global security is not enhanced; instead, it is threatened.

SIPRI reports that 2,100 deployed warheads are on high alert, primarily by Russia and the U.S. China now also maintains some warheads in this state. The trend of increasing operational nuclear warheads is alarming and expected to accelerate.

Russia and the U.S. possess nearly 90% of all nuclear weapons. Transparency has waned since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, with both nations halting strategic dialogues.

Globally, about 9,585 warheads are in military stockpiles, with 3,904 deployed. The capability to deploy multiple warheads on ballistic missiles is being pursued by India, Pakistan, and North Korea, escalating the potential for rapid deployment and increased threats.

This arms race, reminiscent of the Cold War, underscores a deepening reliance on nuclear deterrence, despite its inherent risks and moral implications.

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