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Social Media's Role in Shaping European Politics

In Cyprus, a YouTuber named Fidias, with no political background, won a European Parliament seat by leveraging his online fame. He campaigned without political stances, promising only authenticity. In Spain, Alvise Pérez, a far-right figure, also secured a seat by railing against immigration and corruption on social media. Both tapped into public disillusionment with traditional politics, using video-based platforms to connect with young voters.

This trend reflects a broader shift where digital subcultures propel unconventional candidates into power, accelerated by platforms like TikTok and Instagram. These tools not only disseminate ideas rapidly but also humanize far-right figures, blurring the lines between entertainment and politics. The success of Fidias and Alvise underscores a growing voter appetite for change, expressed through social media's viral power.

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