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UN Deputy Secretary General Amina Mohammed Calls for Increased Women's Representation in Global Leadership

UN Deputy Secretary General Amina Mohammed Calls for Increased Women's Representation in Global Leadership

Amina Mohammed, UN Deputy Secretary General, expresses concern over the scarcity of women in global decision-making roles, linking the stagnation in conflict resolution and human development to this underrepresentation. She asserts that women bring a vital perspective absent from current power structures. Although there has been some progress, including the recent elections of female leaders in Iceland and Mexico, the global political arena remains predominantly male. Mohammed advocates for a reevaluation of strategies to empower women, stressing the importance of women leading these initiatives themselves, rather than depending on superficial solutions like affirmative action. The urgency of her message is highlighted by the UN's estimation that gender equality is over 300 years away at the current rate of progress.

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