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"Informed AI News" is a news aggregation platform based on AI, aiming to provide users with high-quality news content that has been carefully selected and organized. It analyzes a vast array of news sources, filtering out low-quality or untrustworthy information to ensure that users receive accurate and timely news. Find out more >>

Google's libphonenumber: A Comprehensive Library for International Phone Number Handling

Summary: Google's libphonenumber

Google's libphonenumber is a library designed for parsing, formatting, and validating international phone numbers. It is compatible with Java, C++, and JavaScript, making it an invaluable tool for applications that require precise phone number management, such as customer service platforms or global communication services.

  • Explanation:
    • Parsing: The process of analyzing the structure of a phone number.
    • Formatting: The act of presenting the number in a standardized format.
    • Validating: The verification of whether the number is structured correctly.

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