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Exploring the Impact of Generative AI on Business and Innovation

Exploring the Impact of Generative AI on Business and Innovation

The Generative AI Handbook explores how Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is revolutionizing innovation management. This technology, capable of creating novel content and ideas, is transforming industries from media to pharmaceuticals.

GenAI automates complex tasks, accelerates development, and generates new products, from drugs to digital content. However, it also raises ethical concerns and potential job displacement. Despite challenges, GenAI's impact on innovation is profound, affecting product, process, marketing, and organizational innovations.

The handbook delves into GenAI's role in various innovation types, highlighting its use in automating content creation, expediting drug discovery, and personalizing marketing. It also discusses the concept of dominant designs in technology evolution, where GenAI is currently in a phase of rapid experimentation and growth.

As GenAI matures, a dominant design is expected to emerge, standardizing its architecture and integration into business ecosystems. This evolution will shape the future of innovation, driving both radical and incremental advancements across sectors.

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