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Cambridge University discovers a new mechanism of the immune system: the mobility and therapeutic potential of regulatory T cells

Cambridge University discovers a new mechanism of the immune system: the mobility and therapeutic potential of regulatory T cells

New Discovery at Cambridge University: The "Mobile Army" of the Immune System

Scientists at Cambridge University have unveiled new rules of the immune system: regulatory T cells, a type of white blood cell, form a mobile group that patrols the human body, repairing tissue damage. This discovery challenges the traditional view that these cells are confined to specific locations.

A Glimpse of New Therapies

This finding opens new avenues for targeted treatments. Currently, anti-inflammatory drugs act systemically rather than at specific sites. The new research suggests we can precisely shut down immune responses at specific locations, promoting tissue repair without affecting the rest of the body.

Clinical Application Prospects

Researchers have developed drugs that can attract regulatory T cells to specific sites in mice, increase their numbers, and activate them to shut down immune responses, promoting healing. This advancement foresees new methods for treating diseases like multiple sclerosis and COVID-19 in the future.

Personal Insight

This discovery is not only a scientific breakthrough but also a medical innovation. It demonstrates how to precisely control immune responses, offering patients more effective and rapid treatment. In the future, this "mobile army" could become key to treating various diseases.

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