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Vocational School Student Outshines University Competitors in Math Contest

A vocational school student, Jiang Ping, from rural China, defied expectations by reaching the final round of the Alibaba Global Math Competition, outperforming many from elite universities. Her achievement sparked a national conversation about educational inequality.

Jiang, who studies fashion design, secured the 12th position among 802 finalists in an eight-hour math test. Her story, celebrated on social media, also shed light on the stark disparities in Chinese education, particularly between rural and urban areas.

Despite her success, Jiang's journey was unconventional. She opted for vocational school instead of traditional high school, influenced by family and friends, and possibly due to financial constraints. Her experience underscores the challenges faced by rural students and the systemic barriers they encounter in accessing higher education.

The competition, launched by Alibaba, seeks to cultivate a passion for math among students. Jiang's performance, though remarkable, raises critical questions about the accessibility and fairness of educational opportunities in China.

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