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EU Strengthens Security and Defense Ties with Japan and South Korea

EU Strengthens Security and Defense Ties with Japan and South Korea

The European Union (EU) is forging security and defense partnerships with Japan and South Korea, aiming to align efforts against shared security risks. This move could foster joint defense projects, addressing common challenges like small national defense industries and high R&D costs.

Brussels seeks a ministerial-level agreement with Japan by year's end, potentially funding joint projects between Japanese and European companies. This collaboration could enhance Japan's defense technology, reduce costs, and expand sales channels. For the EU, it opens avenues for joint equipment development and diverse procurement sources.

South Korea's arms exports to Europe are rising, notably with Poland's large orders for K2 tanks and K9 howitzers post-Ukraine invasion. The EU also eyes cooperation in space, cybersecurity, disinformation, and maritime security, reflecting concerns over Russian cyberattacks and disinformation.

Recognizing its limitations, the EU aims to deepen ties with Japan, South Korea, and other allies, as seen in its first defense industrial strategy published in March 2024. This strategy, a response to Russia's actions in Ukraine, underscores the EU's intent to collaborate beyond its borders for collective security.

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