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Innovative Skull-Implanted Device Reduces Severe Epilepsy Seizures in UK Boy

A UK boy with severe epilepsy, Oran Knowlson, has become the first in the world to trial a device implanted in his skull to control seizures. The neurostimulator, placed directly in his skull, sends electrical signals deep into his brain, reducing his daytime seizures by 80%. This innovative treatment, part of the CADET project at Great Ormond Street Hospital, aims to improve the quality of life for those with severe, treatment-resistant epilepsy.

The device, smaller than a matchbox, is anchored into the skull, avoiding the complications of chest-implanted models. Oran, who also has autism and ADHD, now experiences fewer and less severe seizures, allowing him to engage in activities like horseback riding. The next phase of the trial will focus on real-time response to brain activity, potentially blocking seizures before they occur.

This breakthrough offers hope not just for Oran but for others suffering from similar conditions, demonstrating the potential of deep brain stimulation in managing severe epilepsy.

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