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"Informed AI News" is a news aggregation platform based on AI, aiming to provide users with high-quality news content that has been carefully selected and organized. It analyzes a vast array of news sources, filtering out low-quality or untrustworthy information to ensure that users receive accurate and timely news. Find out more >>

Learn to Build Intelligent Apps with Mistral AI in New FreeCodeCamp Course

Open source LLMs from Mistral AI empower intelligent app creation without incurring API call fees. A new course on, developed in collaboration with Scrimba, imparts this skill. Spanning over 25 lessons, participants delve into Mistral's models and tools, crafting apps ranging from basic chat completions to sophisticated features such as Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and function calling. Key topics encompass setting up vector databases, mastering semantic search, and leveraging Ollama for local model deployment. This course is ideal for rapid, comprehensive learning in AI app development.

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that enhances AI's capability to retrieve and generate information in response to specific queries, thereby improving the relevance and depth of AI responses.

Vector databases store data as vectors, facilitating efficient and precise retrieval through similarity searches. This is essential for AI applications that demand swift, relevant access to information.

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