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UBS Predicts Renewable Energy to Dominate U.S. Electricity Growth

UBS forecasts that renewable energy will account for 70% of the U.S. electricity demand growth by 2030, propelled by corporate pledges and the closure of coal plants. Solar and wind energy will spearhead this shift, with natural gas supplementing the remaining needs. The immense energy requirements of Big Tech, particularly for data centers and AI, play a crucial role in this trend. Companies like Amazon, Meta, Microsoft, and Google have already secured significant power contracts. First Solar, Fluence Energy, and Array Technologies are poised to reap substantial benefits from this transition.

Renewable energy is not merely a passing trend; it is a necessity driven by environmental and economic imperatives. The move away from coal towards cleaner energy sources is gaining momentum, supported by corporate demand and strategic investments. This transition is not only about sustainability but also about ensuring reliable, scalable energy to meet future technological demands. The market is primed for providers of efficient, scalable renewable energy solutions.

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